DTC Staff Undergoes Annual HIPAA Compliance Training with inUnison Consulting
While DTC is bridging the gap between innovation and technology, inUnison Consulting is bridging the gap between Healthcare providers, HIPAA Business Associates and the overwhelming task of achieving OSHA Safety and HIPAA regulatory compliance.
Friday, June 21st, DTC held its annual HIPAA Compliance Training Day with inUnison Consulting. Training was led by Karen Pass, Co-Founder and Principal Compliance Consultant. To provide our clients with the best service possible, we recognize that a complete HIPAA risk assessment involves more than evaluating an office’s IT and security setup alone. inUnison Consulting goes above and beyond by providing clients with assistance through HIPAA training, onsite surveys, security risk analysis, implementation, and OCR audit support.
We’ve done our HIPAA training, now it’s your turn! When you need assistance with HIPAA compliance, reach out to inUnison Consulting today – and don’t forget to tell them that DTC sent you!